

http://www.sina.com.cn  2007年05月10日 14:38  名车志

  Bruno Alfieri

  Bruno Alfieri, President of the Jury Born in Neaples of Venetian origin in 1927. One of the founders of ADI, the Italian Association of Industrial Design. 评委会副主席,生于那不勒斯,意大利工业设计协会的创始人之一;

  Mario Bellini Architect

  Mario Bellini Architect, born in Milan in 1935, In 2004, the President of Italy awarded him the Gold Medal in recognition of his work in Italy and abroad. 建筑师,意大利总统金奖获得者;

  Fulvio Cinti

  Fulvio Cinti Born in Tuscany, professional journalist, member of the juries of the Concours of Villa d’Este. 专业记者,古董车大赛评委之一;

  Enrico Leonardo Fagone

  Enrico Leonardo Fagone Born in Milan in 1965, architect, founded the magazines ‘Car and Transportation Design’ and ‘Moto Design’ (Design Diffusion Edizioni), of which he is editor in chief.建筑师,主编《汽车与交通设计》等杂志;

  Elio Fiorucci

  Elio Fiorucci Born in Milan in 1935, a leading creative force, designing several articles that now grace the collections of art museums in London and the United States. 生于米兰,艺术家,诸多作品被收藏于伦敦与美国的博物馆内;

  Alessandro Giudice

  Alessandro Giudice Born in 1957, author who is an enthusiastic fan of design, contemporary art, photography.生于1957年,作家,精通设计、当代艺术及摄影领域;

  Heinz Mack

  Heinz Mack Born in Germany, in 1931. works include sculptures, paintings, drawings, reliefs, stelae, graphic art, scenes for ballets, dramas and operas, monumental sculptures etc.In 2004 he received the prestigious Bundesverdienstkreuz, the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. 多才多艺的艺术家,作品涉及雕塑、绘画、浮雕、戏剧及哥剧等,联邦德国荣誉勋章得主;

  Vittorio Matino

  Vittorio Matino , born in 1943. He is a leading figure in the world of abstract art, with over 85 exhibitions of his works in Europe and the United States. 抽象派画家,艺术作品在欧美广泛展出;

  Kenneth Noland

  Kenneth Noland Painter, born in North Carolina, His works have been on show in numerous museums and galleries in the USA, Canada, Germany, England, France, Spain and Italy. 美国画家,作品在欧美广泛展出;

  Antoine Prunet

  Antoine Prunet Parisian, born in 1941. Former publisher at E.P.A. Author of several historical books on motor cars including, in Italian, Ferrari – Sport e Prototipi; Ferrari – ‘Le Granturismo’; Leggendarie Ferrari and Pininfarina 70 anni. 巴黎人,资深的汽车领域的出版人

  Lorenzo Ramaciotti

  Lorenzo Ramaciotti Born in Modena in 1948, direct Pininfarina design for 17 years, more than 20 concept cars were developed (Mythos, Ethos, Argento Vivo, Metrocubo, Rossa, Birdcage 75th, Chery M14…), some of which received international awards, besides ten Ferrari‘s (including the 456 GT in 1992, the F 355, F50, 550 Maranello, 360 Modena, Enzo, and the F430 in 2004), various Peugeot’s (306 Cabriolet, 1993; 406 Coupé, 1996; 1007, 2004). 出身于摩德那的汽车设计师,曾主导Pininfarina设计,作品曾多次荣获国际大奖,包括标致406 Coupé、法拉利F430等;

  Carlo Rivetti

  Carlo Rivetti Born in Lausanne in 1956. Founding member and Managing Director of the Fondazione ADI for Italian Design, he is also Managing Director of Pitti Immagine. 生于洛桑, Pitti Immagine的常务董事;

  Bruno Sacco

  Bruno Sacco Designer, born in Udine in 1933. Among his awards, those which mean most to him personally are: the Designer’s Designer in 1996, the Lifetime Design Achievement Award in 1997, the Raymond Loewy Designer Award in 1997; induction into the Automotive Hall of Fame, Dearborn (2006). 意大利设计师,曾获终身设计成就奖,06年进入汽车名人堂;

  Massimo Vignelli

  Massimo Vignelli Born in Milan in 1931, architect. Numerous international awards and accolades: ‘Gran Premio Triennale di Milano’ (1964), ADI Compasso d’Oro (1964, 1998), Royal Designer for Industry (London), National Design Award for Lifetime Achievement (2003). 米兰建筑师,曾获终身设计成就奖、皇家工业设计师(伦敦)等荣誉。

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