

http://www.sina.com.cn  2007年08月15日 09:46  新浪汽车

汽车视频版  新浪视频

  这段广告的英文名字是“Golf night diving”。广告中留给高尔夫的镜头只有寥寥几个。夜色下,万籁俱寂,人们都进入了梦乡,只有他,一个热爱驾驭的人,驾驶着高尔夫穿破夜幕,寂静的街道在身边飞过,只有夜色为高尔夫缓缓伴奏。


  And all the people of the lulled and dumbfound town are sleeping now.

  Hush, the babies are sleeping, the farmers, the fishers, the tradesmen and pensioners, cobbler, schoolteacher, postman and publican, the undertaker and the fancy woman, drunkard, dressmaker, preacher, policeman, the webfoot cocklewomen and the tidy wives.

  Young girls lie bedded soft or glide in their dreams, with rings and trousseaux, bridesmaided by glow-worms down the aisles of the organplaying wood.... You can hear the dew falling, and the hushed town breathing.

  Only your eyes are unclosed to see the black and folded town fast, and slow, asleep..."

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