入场须知( Entering Stadium: Do’s and Don’ts)
禁止吸烟(No Smoking)
场内禁止随地吐痰(No Spitting on the ground)
场内禁止吃带壳类食品(No eating shelled food)
禁止带含糖饮料入场(Don’t bring sugar-containing drinks)
禁止带危险品入场(No weapons allowed)
场内禁止吃口香糖(No chewing gum)
禁止穿非运动鞋入场(Don’t wear cleats)
禁止携带宠物入场(Don’t bring pets)
请遵守体育场规章制度 (please observe the rules and regulations)
服从工作人员管理(Please follow the staff’s Instructions)
请保管好随身物品(Please take care of your belongings)
朝阳体育中心(ChaoYang Sports Center)