

http://www.sina.com.cn  2005年11月29日 09:24  新浪汽车



  中国汽车工程学会目前拥有个人会员4万员,团体会员200个。他们分别参与到学会秘书处 、各工作委员会 、专业分会、中国汽车工业科学技术进步奖励基金会以及全国30个省级地方学会、众多市级学会组织的各项活动中,为推动中国汽车工业科技发展进步发挥了积极作用。中国汽车工程学会是中国汽车工业传播新思想 、交流新技术 、树立新观念的重要力量,增进世界汽车技术交流的重要桥梁。


  The Society of Automotive Engineers of China (SAE-China) was founded in 1963. It is a national, academic body corporate and a non-profit-making social organization composed voluntarily by Chinese automotive scientific & technical personnel in accordance with the law. It is also a component part of China Association for Science & Technology (CAST). SAE-China is a council member of FISITA and cosponsoring society for IPC. SAE-China's purpose is: to promote the scientific & technical progress for Chinese automotive industry; to foster the growth of automotive scientific & technical professionals; to promote the technical exchange between worldwide automotive circles; and to spread and popularize the automotive scientific & technical knowledge


  1、国内外学术交流(Academic Exchange)

  2、传播先进技术,普及科技知识,举办科技展览(To Spread Advanced Technologies, To Hold Technological Exhibitions)

  3、科技成果评审和奖励(Evaluation and premium of Achievements)

  4、汽车产业科技发展战略和政策研究(The Study on the Strategy & Policy for Developments of the Automotive Industry)

  5、民间国际科技合作,国外科技考察,人才交流(International Technical Cooperation, Exchange Visits Domestic and Abroad)


  7、人才培训,项目评审评估,咨询服务(Training, Evaluation for Projects and Consulting Services)

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