
Western Highway歌词及歌曲

http://www.sina.com.cn  2002年07月24日 11:19  新浪汽车

  MP3:Western Highway(点击收听)

  Western Highway--O'Connell, Maura(歌手)

  (Gerry O'Beirne)

  I am a driver on a western highway

  From the mountains and to the sea

  And there's a song on the western highway

  Saying I will be free

  The sky is fading to the color of the valley

  Dust of angels, and dust of dreams

  Your city lights will shine until tomorrow

  And I will not be here

  cho: Your light is brighter than

  Anything I've ever seen

  I hear your voice on every station

  Singin' out of your dream

  By the roadside the trees are shiverin'

  Black and silver in the cool night air

  And under the moonlight hear a song you're singin'

  Sayin' I will meet you there

  [repeat Chorus]

  Here I am on the road again

  The song began and then in the end

  I'll be standin' by the sea

  I am a driver on a western highway

  From the mountains and to the sea

  And there's a song on the western highway

  Sayin' I will be free.

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