
《take me home country roads》中文大意

http://www.sina.com.cn  2005年07月01日 10:23  新浪汽车

  take me home country roads --john denver 乡村小路带我回家 约翰-丹佛

  almost heaven west virginia 天堂似的西弗吉尼亚

  blue ridge mountains shenandoah river 蓝色的小桥 shenandoah河

  life is old there older than the trees 生活 比树古老

  younger than the mountains 比山年轻

  growin like a breeze 象轻风似的成长

  country roads take me home 乡村小路带我回家

  to the place i belong 到属于我的地方

  west virginia mountain momma 西弗吉尼亚

  take me home country roads 乡村小路带我回家

  all my memories gather round her 所有的会议都是围绕着它

  miners lady stranger to blue water 矿工 蓝色的河水

  dark and dusty painted on the sky 天空中弥漫着灰尘

  misty taste of moon shine 月色中朦胧的气味

  tear drops in my eyes 我的眼中盈满泪水

  i hear her voice in the morning hours she calls me 我听到早上她叫我的声音

  radio reminds me of my home far away 收音机带我回到很远的我的家

  driving down the road i get a feeling that i should 载着我走在路上 感觉我应


  have been home yesterday 昨天就回到家

  yesterday 昨天

  country roads take me home 乡村小路带我回家

  to the place i belong 到属于我的地方

  west virginia mountain mamma 西弗吉尼亚

  take me home country roads 乡村小路带我回家

  take me home country roads 乡村小路带我回家

  take me home country roads 乡村小路带我回家


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