
X-Trail广告歌曲《We Will Rock You》

http://www.sina.com.cn  2005年06月30日 15:16  新浪汽车

  歌手:five & queen 专辑:we will rock you


  buddy you're a boy make a big noise

  playin' in the street gonna be a big man some day

  you got mud on yo' face

  you big disgrace

  kickin' your can all over the place


  'we will we will rock you

  we will we will rock you'

  buddy you're a young man hard man

  shoutin' in the street gonna take on the world some day

  you got blood on yo' face

  you big disgrace

  wavin' your banner all over the place

  'we will we will rock you'


  'we will we will rock you'

  buddy you're an old man poor man

  pleadin' with your eyes gonna make you some peace some


  you got mud on your face

  you big disgrace

  somebody better put you back into your place

  'we will we will rock you'


  'we will we will rock you'


  'we will we will rock you'

  'we will we will rock you'


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