

http://www.sina.com.cn  2005年06月30日 10:37  新浪汽车



  Not a sound from the pavement

  Has the moon lost her mem'ry?

  She is smiling alone

  In the lamplight

  The withered leaves collect at my feet

  And the wind begins to moan


  All alone in the moonlight

  I can smile at the old days

  Life was beautiful then

  I remember

  The time I knew what happiness was

  Let the mem'ry live again

  Ev'ry street lamp

  Seems to beat

  A fatalistic warning

  Someone mutters

  And a street lamp gutters

  And soon it will be morning


  I must wait for the sunrise

  I must think of a new life

  And I mustn't give in

  When the dawn comes

  Tonight will be a memory too

  And a new day will begin

  Burnt out ends of smokey days

  The stale cold smell of morning

  The street lamp dies

  Another night is over

  Another day is dawning

  Touch me

  It's so easy to leave me

  All alone with my mem'ry

  Of my days in the sun

  If you touch me

  You'll understand what happiness is

  Look a new day has begun ...

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