
大众汽车广告歌曲《i will come to you》

http://www.sina.com.cn  2005年06月29日 15:09  新浪汽车


  hanson i will come to you

  album: middle of nowhere


  i will come to you

  when you have no light to guide you

  and no one to walk to walk beside you

  i will come to you

  oh i will come to you

  when the night is dark and stormy

  you won't have to reach out for me

  i will come to you

  oh i will come to you

  sometimes when all your dreams may have seen better days

  and you don't know how or why, but you've lost your way

  have no fear when your tears are fallin'

  i will hear your spirit callin'

  and i swear i'll be there come what may

  (repeat chorus)

  'cause even if we can't be together

  we'll be friends now and forever

  and i swear that i'll be there come what may

  when the night is dark and stormy

  you won't have to reach out for me

  i will come to you

  oh i will come to you

  we all need somebody we can turn to

  someone who'll always understand

  so if you feel that your soul is dyin'

  and you need the strength to keep tryin'

  i'll reach out and take your hand

  (repeat chorus)

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