
《上海记事,1960 年代》影像展

http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年09月09日 17:40  新浪汽车综合

  Shanghai Chronicle, 1960s

  主办:今日美术馆 秦风老照片馆


  策展人:陈丹青 秦风



  Organizer: Today Art Museum Qin Feng Studio

  Co-organizer: San Ren Xing Antique Photo Gallery

  Curator: Chen Danqing Qin Feng

  Duration: Jun 25th – Jul 17th

  Venue: 2nd floor exhibition hall of building 3

  2010 年中国人的第一件大事,似乎就是世界博览会在上海举行。全世界主要国家领袖将在黄浦江边群众一堂。还有国内外企业家、科技人员、投资者、游客等等,亦涌至这座中国最繁华的大都会,世博代表庞大的商业机会,也是中国发展的新阶段。任何人面对无限的人潮与钱潮必是怦然心动,并无可避免地要相信这是上海与中国发展的新高峰。

  然而这正是历史最深奥迷人之处,因为40 多年前,就在同一座城市里,中国掀起了一股反对任何商业主义,追求赤贫道德观的政治飓风。群众被鼓动起来,大街小巷里嘶声呐喊,要求强制实行一种绝对正确无误的价值体系,并将任何反对者视为不可宽恕的敌人。这股飓风随后吹向了全中国,留下了一段后来被称为“十年浩劫”的社会记忆。

  从“十年浩劫”到上海世博将近半个世纪,上海和中国彷佛转了一个大的“U-Turn”,其间包含了两代人梦想的浮沉。此次展出的正是1960 年代有关上海的新闻影像,图与文力求平实无华,以重现当年的光与影,希望这个历史影像的自然铺陈,能让不同的观众产生属于自己的回味,以及属于整个社会的沉思。

  For Chinese, the most important event in 2010 is the World Expo holding in Shanghai. The major world leaders would get together on the bank of the Huangpu River. Entrepreneurs, scientists, investors, and travelers from all around China and all over the world are also streaming into the most prosperous city of China. The Expo is a hugebusiness opportunity and leading China to a new stage of development.Facing such a wave of people and money, everyone’s heart bit is racing, and everyone believes that Shanghai and China would reach a new height。

  This is the most mysterious part of the history. Forty years ago, a political storm of anti-commercialism and worshiping absolute poverty was blowing exactly from the same city. The mass of people was aroused. They walked around the avenues and streets, yelled for enforcing a value system which was thought be absolutely right. Anyone who opposed or questioned this system were seen as unforgiveable enemies. This storm was soon blowing throughout China and left with a social memory which is now called “Ten-year Calamity”. From the“ Ten-year Calamity” to Shanghai Expo, Shanghai and China has made a big U-turn in around half century, which including the up and down of dreams of two generations. This exhibition displays news articles and photos from Shanghai in 1960s. All the photos and articles are simple and unadorned in order to recall the light and shadow back to that time. We hope this spontaneous narration of historical images could make different audients find their own retrospection and deep thought about this society as a whole。

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