新浪汽车首页 > 图片 > PRIUS普锐斯与国际明星
图为PRIUS普锐斯与国际明星之朱莉亚-罗伯茨。 Actress Julia Roberts is part of a vocal group of celebrities who have been seen driving gas/electric hybrids, such as the Toyota Prius sedan. You can get a highly fuel-efficient car for $10,000 less than a Prius, meaning the benefits of the Toyota are less about saving money on gas and more about saving the environment with lower emissions. For Roberts and other advocates, hybrids are a visible commitment to doing good--a choice that is as much about principle as Britney Spears' McLaren is about power. 国际女明星朱莉亚 罗伯茨也是众多明星中驾驶混合动力车的一员,丰田PRIUS普锐斯就是她的私人驾座。1万美元可以买辆很省油的车,这个价格比PRIUS普锐斯更便宜,但丰田的关注点不仅仅在于节油,省钱,而更着眼于以低排气量来保护环境。如同小甜甜布兰尼认为麦克莱伦是力量的象征,对罗伯茨和其他倡导者而言,混合动力就是他们为环保做贡献的最佳选择。


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