

http://www.sina.com.cn  2006年01月04日 17:42  新浪汽车

图为Joel Hanson的专集《Travelling Light》CD封面

  单曲推荐:Traveling Light


  Joel Hanson和Sara Groves是两个乡村歌手,Joel 是一个优秀吉他弹奏者,在与Sara Groves合作前发行过两张专辑《broken》和《Interview》。与Sara Groves合作的第一支单曲就是《Traveling Light》并因此而大获成功。




Well I was doubling over the load on my shoulders
Was a weight I carried with me everyday
Crossing miles of frustrations and rivers a raging
Picking up stones I found along the way
I staggered and I stumbled down
Pathways of trouble
I was hauling those souvenirs of misery
And with each step taken my back was breaking
'Til I found the One who took it all from me

Down by the riverside
(Down by the riverside)
I laid my burdens down,
Now I'm traveling light
My spirit lifted high
(I found my freedom now)
I found my freedom now
And I'm traveling light

Through the darkest alleys and loneliest valleys
I was dragging those heavy chains of doubt and fear
Then with the one word spoken the locks were broken
Now He's leading me to places
Where there are no tears

Down by the riverside
(Down by the riverside)
I laid my burdens down,
Now I'm traveling light
My spirit lifted high
(I found my freedom now)
I found my freedom now
And I'm traveling light

Down by the riverside
I laid my burdens down,
Now I'm traveling light
My spirit lifted high
I found my freedom now
And I'm traveling light
Down by the riverside
(Down by the riverside)
I laid my burdens down,
Now I'm traveling light

My spirit lifted high
(I found my freedom now)
I found my freedom now
And I'm traveling light

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